Wednesday, July 14, 2010

XHOA, The Stain, Majority of One, Infants of Sin - Warehouse A Go Go Go, BG, 2/19/88

February 19, 1988. Ah, warehouse shows. They were always fun, and this one features BG's best kept secret, Scott Cramer's XHOA, descendents of HOA and a true undiscovered psych-punk gem. They recorded an album, Yap Yap Yap, which I predict will one day be worth hundreds of dollars (to some obscure Italian collector). As it is, the lucky few who've heard it agree that for genuine weird brilliance it's hard to beat.

Go Go Go No Mo'
This show also featured The Stain (yes, that Stain) from Toledo and two bands I know nothing about, although Infants of Sin has a nice ring to it. I think we can all agree that the flyer at the top, with its cut-and-paste collaged go-go dancers, is far more exciting than the one below it.

The warehouse in question, on the corner of Manville and Lehman in BG briefly hosted a practice space (didn't BHOC practice there at one time?) and was also the location of a ubiquitous self-storage facility. Sadly, it's now demolished, and has been replaced by vacant offices (see the recent photo above).

 Gotta get out of this place is right!

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