Thursday, July 15, 2010

May Day! A Festival of Musical and Vocal Protest - n.p., 1992.

Dateline 1992 (again). All I can say about this one is that it's advertising a May Day protest that seems to flip the bird at the generally miserable state of the world and advocates--in the time-honored tradition of failed revolutionaries everywhere--angry alcohol consumption as just compensation for political impotence.

Fair enough!

I've no idea who played or where this event happened, but looking at the style of the flyer, I'd say it dates from the late-'80s or early-90s 1992 (thanks Cubbie Fan). Speaking of political impotence, is that George Voinovich?


  1. It's from May 1992. I will send you another one with the bands. There was an event scheduled in 1993, but it rained out.
