Friday, July 16, 2010

Mote, Spaceship 9, Assignment Moongirl - Howard's Club H, 7/2/96 [UPDATED]

July 2, 1996. This flyer sports the understated and well designed indie aesthetic that also graces Mote's late-1996 45 "Camelia's and Azaleas"/"Capgun" bw "Melvina"/"Red Handled Pliers" (yes, 4 songs on one single). Mote (Matt Gengler, vox, guitar; Colin Herb, bass; Zach Hill, guitar; Josh Spitler, drums) were one of the heavy-hitters of the BG scene in the eighteen months before Matt Gengler teamed up with Tony Cavallario in Aloha. Assignment Moongirl, a mysterious noise/sound manipulation two piece who still pop up from time-to-time, opened the show.

Spaceship 9 were Matt "Letterman" Gannon, guitar; Geoff "Geo" Grant, guitar; Hal Hixson, vox; Anthony Buehrer, drums; Mike Pennington, bass. Here are Geo's memories of this show.
This was the first real Spaceship 9 performance. We insisted that Mote headline as they were the veteran band that night. There was a beautiful argument because Matt Gengler wanted us to headline as it was our moment. It was so incredibly nice of him, but of course I've never lost an argument and Mote headlined. They were such an under-rated band. And I remember Assignment Moongirl was so trippy. I spent the majority of their set in a catatonic state lying on a pool table in the back of Howard's.

When it was time to do soundcheck for us I politely declined and left [soundman] Maurice to deal with it as he saw fit. Maurice cranked everything to 11 and that's how we rolled. I remember the sweet feeling of relief as we started our set. It was a huge moment for us - our coming out party. I'm sure a lot of people were on drugs based on the dancing styles I saw as we threw mediocre garage-rock psychedelia in their faces. Both Matt and I admitted later to picking out a couple of kids that were totally into it and playing our guitars to their movements. That was the first time I saw the power and magic of creating something on the spot - that strange communication with an audience. It was a secret discussion between a handful of people - 90% of the crowd didn't get it but that didn't matter to me. It was a feeling of accomplishment even though at a minor level.

An after-hours party at the punk-house followed. Icing on the cake.
Geo informs me that I once described Spaceship 9 as a "Hawkwind rip-off." Not surprisingly, I have no memory of this but, Geo, it was intended as a compliment! I have fond memories of Spaceship 9 shows at various house parties around this time.

1 comment:

  1. it's true! a Hawkwind rip-off!! i took it as a compliment then and now!
